EDI to take centre stage at IMRF seminar in Greece As part of the special celebrations for the IMRF’s 100th anniversary this year, the IMRF is holding its first-ever equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) seminar for the maritime SAR industry preceding its Annual Meeting later this year. The IMRF’s EDI Seminar will be held on 26 November in Thessaloniki in Greece, the day before the IMRF’s Annual Meeting begins on 27 November. The full agenda for the IMRF’s EDI Seminar is now available to view in full. Click here to access the agenda. The seminar is open to both members and non-members of the maritime community so if you are interested in being a part of this first-ever event, click here to register your interest. Following the successful #WomenInSAR conference in Finland in 2022, the IMRF has made putting EDI as part of the conversation amongst the maritime SAR community as one of its major goals. The seminar is the next step in that conversation as it aims to promote best practices to ensure safety, fairness and respect for the entire SAR sector. The all-day seminar includes a wide range of speakers from around the world, including Australia, Finland, Morocco, Nigeria and the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United Kingdom. They will be discussing some of main challenges and barriers to inclusion in maritime SAR, along side a series of case studies to showcase the effective impact of EDI in maritime SAR. The seminar will also include lessons learnt and feedback from the IMRF’s EDI Survey. The survey is still available if you have not yet taken part so click here to have your say on the impact and importance of EDI in maritime SAR. The IMRF’s Annual Meeting will be held on 26-27 November following the EDI Seminar. The agenda for the meeting is also available so click here to learn more about the activities across the entire two-day session. Manage Cookie Preferences