Following the success of the KNRM-hosted June 2017 conference in Zandvoort, The Netherlands, a new skill-share meeting dedicated to fundraising and communication will be arranged in September, 17-19th, 2019.

This time, the location is Gothenburg, Sweden. The meeting will be hosted by the SSRS (the Swedish Sea Rescue Society).

The reactions from a majority of the participants in the Netherlands were that it was very valuable to discuss fundraising and communication issues together with colleagues from around the world. Within the SAR family, we have different organisations and challenges, but also very much in common when it comes to how we fund and market our cause...”, says Darinka Boulonois, fundraising manager of the KNRM and arranger of the 2017 meeting. “...we really shared a lot of insights, ideas and skills during those days. At the SSRS, we have used the experience from 2017 a lot. Many of us attending felt that this must not be a one-time event, but rather the start of fruitful collaboration over time."

The representatives from SSRS and RS (Redningsselskapet) raised their hands and said that they could host the 2019 event.

"The plan now is that the conference in Sweden will be followed-up by another one in Norway in 2020 or 2021”, says Niklas Jendeby, head of fundraising and communication at the SSRS.

IMRF Skillshare Conference on Fundraising & Communication
17th-19th September, 2019
Gothenburg, Sweden