The IMRF is about the sharing of experience and knowledge, and of collaboration and of supporting each other in order to achieve its Mission of contributing to the improving of Maritime SAR capability worldwide.

IMRF's Business Plan 2012 – 2016 included an increased emphasis on the education component of our Memorandum of Association (promoting public education and awareness regarding safety on water).

There are no exact figures, but we are informed that, somewhere in the world, every 30 seconds at least 2 people drown with the largest numbers being amongst children, artisanal fishermen and those involved in pleasure boating.


The IMRF Education website focuses on:

Identifying relevant and successful existing initiatives;
Encouraging the sharing of knowledge and resources;
Identifying new opportunities;
Encouraging ALL our member organisations to be active in this subject.

In this section of the IMRF website, we hope to share thoughts, articles, practises and processes of the vast subject 'education and prevention' and we want your information to populate this website – send directly to us at [email protected].