
The IMRF launched its #WomenInSAR initiative at its World Maritime Rescue Congress (WMRC) in June 2019.

This project aims to increase the representation of women in the maritime sector generally and to provide support for, and raise the profile of, women in the maritime search-and-rescue (SAR) sector specifically. This IMRF initiative supports the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Empowering Women in Maritime initiative.

According to the IMO, the current huge gender gap in the maritime sector is well-documented, as “women represent only two percent of the world’s 1.2 million seafarers”.

Although there is currently no hard data on maritime SAR, all available anecdotal evidence suggests that the position is no different: women are greatly under-represented across maritime SAR, in both volunteer and paid positions. 

Since the launch of the project we have:

We have a number of #WomenInSAR activities planned in 2023, including two #WomenInSAR trainings in Africa, blogs and articles, and a session at our World Maritime Rescue Congress (WMRC) on this topic.

If you have any questions and/or would like any further information or to assist us with our #WomenInSAR initiative, please contact Caroline Jupe at [email protected].

In the meantime, if you would like to be kept updated on our latest news you can sign up to our newsletter.

The #WomenInSAR Report #WomenInSAR – Increasing the Representation of Women in Maritime SAR – Guidance and Best Practice #WomenInSAR Mentoring Scheme

STEM Resources Webinars Blogs

News #WomenInSAR Seminar 2022 Presentation Portal (#WomenInSAR Participants only)