Banner Photo CreditsNIMSA, Seychelles, Jonni Lehtimaki, Cuerpo de Voluntarios de los Botes Salvavidas de Puerto Montt, SSRS, CRS, RNLI, IMRF.

IMRF launched its eagerly awaited #WomenInSAR Report at a webinar to mark International Women's Day, 8 March 2021.

The report analyses the data from the #WomenInSAR Survey, which closed at the end of January 2021, with more than 1600 responses received from across the globe.

During the webinar, Dave Jardine-Smith (the author of the report) shared the key insights, conclusions and recommendations from the Report.

We also heard from Rikke Lind, General Secretary, Norwegian Sea Rescue Society (RS), about her personal commitment to promoting equality of opportunity for women, the benefits to an organisation of having more women involved and about the work that has been done to improve the gender balance at all levels in RS.   

Commander Maritime Dr. Suzanna Razali Chan, Chief Assistant Director, SAR Division, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, spoke about the efforts being made in her own organisation to encourage and support the increased participation of women in maritime SAR.

Finally, Michael Vlasto, former IMRF Chair, stressed the importance of having an organisation-wide commitment to improving gender equality that starts from the top.

The Webinar ended with a Panel Session and Questions from the participants.

You can view and download the Summary and the Full #WomenInSAR Report on the #WomenInSAR Report page.

Below you can watch the Webinar Recording and view the Chat Log.

Webinar Recording

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Chat Log

#WomenInSAR Report Webinar Chat Log - 8 March 2021