The IMRF Member, National Rescue Society of Italy (Società Nazionale di Salvamento (SNS)), has been very busy educating children, teenagers and communities! In the past they produced several brilliant episodes of the animation “Aqua”, which was the story of a boy learning how to be safe near the water.

The SNS has now progressed to game-making, and one of the games is “Daddy, I will Save You” (Papà Ti Salvo Io), a game for children of elementary school age!

“Daddy, I will Save You" is an interactive application, which can be downloaded on an I-Pad, or on a mobile phone. The story is about a seal father teaching his little seal child the 10 golden rules for safe swimming and behaviour around the water! In the game, the seal child is eventually turned into a Little Lifeguard. There is also a teacher’s guide available for “Daddy, I will Save You”.

The predecessor of the “Daddy, I will Save You” concept is “Baby Watch- I am a Little Lifeguard” and this is still available on the National Rescue Society of Italy website.

The SNS is also in the process developing a game called “The Little Captain”, an interactive, animated, game for children and young teenagers. “The Little Captain” is not yet available online, but is expected later this year, or early 2017.

Want to try the "Daddy, I Will Save You" game yourself? Visit the SNS Website here.