The IMRF has launched a specialist panel that will focus on the maritime aviation search and rescue (SAR) sector as the organisation looks to expand its involvement in new and developing areas of the SAR industry. This panel is open to IMRF members only.  If you are not a member but want to join us, you can join here.

In its 100 years as a non-governmental organisation, the IMRF has focused almost exclusively on the use of boats and vessels in maritime SAR operations. However, with the extensive use of aviation and air systems in modern SAR operations globally, the IMRF believes it should now expand its knowledge, expertise and representation into this increasingly important sector.

The panel will enable discussion and sharing of knowledge and information amongst IMRF members and will look to improve and advance the technical and procedural performance and understanding between air and sea SAR operations to save lives. The panel will also allow the IMRF to engage more effectively with international bodies and organisations that oversee and regulate aviation SAR operations over water, for the benefit of those members.  Further work will look at the use of remotely operated and autonomous air systems in SAR. 

The next meeting will be in 24 September, 15:00pm-16:15pm BST

The Panel is open to IMRF members only and is another benefit of IMRF membership.  If you are not an IMRF member and would like to join the IMRF go to this page to join us!

Contact: Roland Mckie [email protected]