KNRM hosted the first IMRF Fundraising and Communication Skill-Share on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th June 2017. The 2 day event provided the perfect platform for SAR organisations to learn from each other by sharing fundraising and communications successes, swapping ideas and having thoughtful discussions in the workshops and case studies presented.

The first morning covered ‘How to manage your reputation in a multimedia world’ by Tony Roddam, formerly of the RNLI, who now runs the consultancy ‘Flying Colours’. This session gave each delegate something to think about as Tony Roddam challenged us to take a fresh and honest look at our most valuable asset, our reputation, in the era of fake news and alternative facts.

This was followed by a discussion on ‘How to get our staff and volunteers to say the right thing at the right time’. In the afternoon we looked at prevention campaigns, with messages from KNRM, RS and RNLI, who each spoke about their activities and campaigns on the topic.

We also heard from Marcelo Ulysséa, who spoke about his organisation, ‘Sea Angels Brazil Institute’, a volunteer SAR services he runs in Brazil. The afternoon was finished by 2 workshops looking at online marketing and social media.

The second day started off with the case study of the successful branding campaign of the Swedish Sea Rescue Society, where in 14 years membership has grown from 30,000 members to 107,000 members. This was followed by an in-depth look at how ICE-SAR raises its funds.

The other two sessions in the morning focused on a ‘Best Practices Fundraising’ workshop led by Jolan van den Broek and Darinka Boulonois, which provided a platform for the delegates to swap tips in this area. The RNLI than discussed legacy fundraising - 6 out of 10 launches would not be possible without a gift in a will - and concluded with a short talk on their move to an opt-in-only system of communication. From this a brief discussion on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) followed.

The afternoon sessions focused on volunteers, where 2 workshops were delivered on ‘How a social intranet can build a community between volunteers and employees’ by Tanja Krangnes, Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue and ‘Campaigning for recruiting new volunteers’ by Emma Valham, Swedish Sea Rescue Society.

Thank you again to KNRM for hosting such a fantastic Fundraising and Communication Skill-Share.