On the 2nd November 2017 ADES (the Association of Maritime and River Rescue in Uruguay) won the Vladimir Maksimov H.E.R.O. Award for Lifetime Achievement, with special recognition for two volunteers Captain Ramón Sagüés and Engineer Otto Vicente Muzzio, who established and built the organisation into the esteemed institution it is today.

The People’s Choice Award was also given to ADES, Association of Maritime and River Rescue Uruguay. The organisation had secured the most Facebook ‘likes’ by 1700hrs GMT on Thursday, 2 November 2017 following a week of promotion across the IMRF’s social media channels, and communications with members.

Both awards were received by Eduardo Tucci, Training Team Leader, ADES. Unfortunately, the founders of ADES, mainly Ana Maria Montero, widow of Captain Ramón Sagüés, and Engineer Otto Vicente Muzzio were unable to attend the H.E.R.O. Awards ceremony in Poole.

Later in November a smaller, but just as important, H.E.R.O. Awards 2017 ceremony was held in Uruguay, where both awards, the Vladimir Maksimov H.E.R.O. Award for Lifetime Achievement and the People’s Choice Award , were presented to the founders of ADES by Jorge Diena, Trustee of the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF).

The people present were:

Ana Maria Montero, widow of Captain Ramón Sagüés, one of the founders of ADES, and first President.

Engineer Otto Vicente Muzzio, the last living founder of ADES.

Carlos García, ADES' oldest Coxwain, who officially retired during the ceremony. During the ceremony Carlos received a plaque for his 50 years services at ADES, presented by Guillermo Perez, president of ADES, and Engineer Otto Vicent Muzzio, founder of ADES.

Guillermo Perez, the current President of ADES, and,

Luis Puricelli, current Chief of Operations.

Jorge Diena, Trustee of the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF).

It was a wonderful and emotional occasion for the winners of the Vladimir Maksimov H.E.R.O. Award for Lifetime Achievement and the People’s Choice Award. Their efforts did not pass by unnoticed, and this is what the H.E.R.O. Awards is all about.