RS Noatun is located 1 hour and 15 minutes from Oslo. The address is Langgrunnveien 34, 3186 Horten. The closest train station is “Skoppum stasjon”.

1. Arriving from Oslo Airport (Oslo’s main international airport)

There is a direct train from Oslo Airport to Skoppum stasjon: “RE11 Skien”. The train takes 1 hour and 27 minutes and departs 13 minutes past each hour. The train normally leaves from Platform at Oslo Airport, and tickets can be bought at the terminal just before going down to the platform. Please make sure that you buy tickets for the regional train and not the airport express train.

There are limited public transport options between Skoppum and RS Noatun. However it is only a seven-minute drive. Taxis can be booked via Taxi Horten: tel + 47 330 41 001 or Horten and Borre taxi: tel: +47 33 08 38 00.

For the return on Wednesday, we will arrange for common transport from RS Noatun to Skoppum stasjon for the train departing at 13.18 going to Oslo city centre/Oslo airport. Registration for this will be on-site.

2. Arriving from Torp Sandefjord Airport

There is also an option to fly to Torp Sandefjord Airport, which has more limited options for flights. Torp is located around 30-minute drive from RS Noatun.

Public transport from Torp to Skoppum stasjon takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes. You will first need to take bus “S174” from the airport to “Torp stasjon”. This bus departs 4 minutes past each hour. You will then have to take the “RE11 Eidsvoll” train to Skoppum stasjon.

There are limited public transport options between Skoppum and RS Noatun. However, it is only a seven-minute drive. Taxis can be booked via Taxi Horten: tel + 47 330 41 001 or Horten and Borre taxi: tel: +47 33 08 38 00.

For the return on Wednesday, we will arrange for common transport from RS Noatun to Skoppum stasjon for the train departing at 12.41 and going to Torp stasjon. Registration for this will be on-site.