
The International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) will be regularly monitoring the Members Assisting Members (MAM) Forum and will remove any posts that are more than 6 months old.

The IMRF is not responsible for the contents of the Posts placed on the Members Assisting Members Forum by the IMRF Members and IMRF Supporters.

The IMRF is not responsible for the communication between Members regarding the MAM Posts and the contents placed on the Members Assisting Members Forum by the IMRF Members and IMRF Supporters.

The IMRF will not receive payments, goods or services on behalf of IMRF Members and IMRF Supporters using the Members Assisting Members Forum

The IMRF is able to give advice regarding the Members Assisting Members Forum.

The IMRF will not allow MAM Posts asking for donations or other types of funding. If you wish to do a fundraising event for the IMRF, please see our Fundraising pages.

This Forum is meant mainly for equipment, services and support in general. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

For organisations and companies that provide commercial products and services as their core activity we will require you to be Associate Members of the IMRF to gain access to the site....unless you wish to donate product or services to assist our members.

For more information and for queries, please contact us at [email protected]

Click on the following links for more information regarding our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy.