Winner of the IMRF Awards 2019 Category: Individual

Captain Zhibin Huang is nominated for demonstrating exceptional skill and courage, during the rescue of crew from the cargo ship LINFUNE 16 during a Super Typhoon.  

The vessel had suffered engine failure, complete loss of power and was stranded near Haimen Bay with ninecrew members, who had been trapped on board for more than 24 hours.

On receiving the details, Captain Huang alerted the crew of rescue helicopter B-7310 and flew 140 nautical miles, to the centre of the Super Typhoon, racing against time.

As the helicopter approached the rescue site, the wind was 33m/s with driving rain making visibility difficult.

Because of the distance and strong cross-winds, the helicopter had used more fuel than planned, and the nearest airport was closed because of the weather. 

That meant the rescue had to be conducted quickly otherwise the helicopter would run out of fuel.

The helicopter reached the site to find the vessel had been pushed onto the shore by wind and waves and was perilously close to a row of high-voltage cables standing downwind.

Captain Huang made a bold decision. Arriving over the ship, to save time he decided to land on the tilting, slippery, unstable deck. 

Despite the force 12 winds,  he managed to land and all nine crew members were able to board the helicopter and were taken to safety.

Photo Gallery

IMRF Awards 2019 - Finalist - Captain Huang Zhibin

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Photo Gallery of the IMRF Awards 2019 Day

IMRF Awards 2019 - Ceremony - 10 September 2019

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