European Regional Meeting 2021 – Webinar Recordings - 14 October 2021 This year, for the second year running, the annual IMRF European Regional Meeting was held online, with the theme “Meeting New Challenges Together”. This year’s programme examined some of the ways in which maritime SAR organisations have adapted to the different challenges that have arisen over the past couple of years, including the impact of climate change and, of course, providing an effective SAR service during a global pandemic. We had some fantastic speakers, sharing their expertise in the development of online training platforms, the legacy of COVID-19 for maritime SAR and some of the future challenges facing SAR, such as responding to more frequent extreme weather events and reducing our environmental footprint. As well as the usual round up of IMRF activities, Patrick van Eyssen from NSRI in South Africa, was announced as the winner of the IMRF People’s Choice Award 2021. The "European Regional Meeting 2021 – Webinar Recordings - 14 October 2021" is for IMRF Members only. Click on the following link and log in as an IMRF Member to see the rest of the page and watch the Webinar Recording blocks: "European Regional Meeting 2021 – Webinar Recordings - 14 October 2021" (Members Only) Area. If you are not an IMRF Member yet, please visit our "Membership - Join the IMRF" page. Manage Cookie Preferences