IMRF CEO Bruce Reid writes:

I am pleased to advise that the Rescue Boat Guidelines (RBG) project – which has had a few stops and starts, due to circumstances beyond our control – is on the way to the finishing line.

Our plans to bring in Remmi Pedersen to manage the project were reported earlier in the year (LIFE LINE, February). 

Good people are hard to keep hold of, though, and unfortunately for the IMRF Remmi received an offer of work he couldn't refuse and he was not able to take up the role. This forced a rethink of the plan.

Parts 1 and 2 of the project are completed with the base model of the RBG application developed in Excel. This means that there are two parts left to complete, as well as the development of an RBG Workshop.

Part 3 is the on-line application.

Part 4 is the on-line resource library.

To keep the project advancing the decision has been made to build the application and the library. Once these are completed we can fill in the gaps.

The on-line system and a trial version of the application is now ready for the RBG working group to review and modify. Once this work has been completed we will review the content and develop the balance of the fields.

The key areas on which we will be seeking input from our membership will be:
 Revising the equipment content
 Development of and agreement on the training content
 Adding content to the resource library
 Trial of the application

We will keep you posted as this key project evolves – and in the meantime a big thank you to all involved for the work you have done and are about to do.