Today’s H.E.R.O. Awards story shows that technical innovation in search and rescue does not have to be about the hi-tech solution.

The RNLI and Bournemouth University design department have worked together to develop an original and innovative design by James Benson called The Bottle Buoy.

The Bottle Buoy is a fantastic example of how an invention can be revolutionary in design/simple in concept and offer a low-cost solution. The Bottle Buoy comprises of a single piece plastic part that, when combined with three reclaimed 2 litre soft drinks bottles, gives sufficient buoyancy and form factor to be a capable throw-able rescue device.

James designed this invention whilst at Bournemouth university and the RNLI have recognised The Bottle Buoy as having great potential to be an effective life saving device. The product will therefore be incorporated into the RNLI’s International Programme and they aim to take the product worldwide.

When we interviewed James for LIFELINE in October 2016 he said the following: “It will be very exciting to see The Bottle Buoy being used around the world and hopefully it will have a positive impact on reducing drowning fatalities.

Preventing loss of life in the world’s waters is part of the mission of the IMRF and we too can’t wait to see this project grow and save lives throughout the world and we are thrilled to have The Bottle Buoy in our H.E.R.O. Awards Shortlist.


More About The Bottle Buoy

Website: (new window)

Short List: H.E.R.O. Awards Short List (new window)